APPEARANCE: Valesca is about 5'7", with long dark hair, stricking ice blue eyes, pale skin, and high cheekbones. She wears a leather band around her forehead and a typical Amazon outfit consisting of: a very short leather top that reveals her stomach, short skirt and knee high boots.

RACE: Goddess of Chaos. Valesca was once an Amazon until she became a goddess.

PERSONALITY: Valesca is chaos itself, similiar to Callisto's psycotic ways. She knows almost every battle technique, for she was an Amazon. Fearless, ruthless, merciless, and vengeanful best describes Valesca's personality.
Although, the Goddess of Chaos will only kill for a purpose and never for sport or pleasure.

PAST: After the death of the Amazon Queen, Valesca was to be next in-line, but the dying wish of the Queen was that Xena would be the next Queen. At the time Xena was dead and the position went to Gabrielle. This enraged Valesca and she was determined to wear the mask of the Amazon Queen.

Valesca and Gabrielle fought to seek the ambrosia. Valesca was defeated that time, but managed to find a piece of the ambrosia and she became the Goddess of Chaos. Her powers grew and she sought to destroy both Gabrielle and the newly revived Xena for taking her place as the Amazon Queen. Xena trapped both Valesca & Callisto into a vortex of lava for all eternity...But eternity came too short for Valesca found her way out again!